Permission Granted
Post date: Apr 29, 2020 5:6:50 PM
I have traveled to a place where I am not alone
No one can bother me while I’m on this time zone
No noise, threats, anger or danger
No worries or concerns about meeting strangers
It’s full of beauty, peace, serenity, and joy
It’s a place where I can go and no one can destroy
I am safe and protected from chaos, turmoil, and fears
No stress, concerns and not a drop of tears
I don’t want to wake from this glorious place
It’s simply beautiful and full of grace
Now it is time to continue to do my best
This is a place where I can get plenty of rest
Life is beautiful and this I know
It is because God told me so
The race is complete and I’ve crossed the line
I am relaxed and everything is fine
Don’t look at me as if I have gone
I have been given permission to carry on
Until then, I’ll see you on the other side of the hill
For now, let’s go forth and may peace be still
Permission Granted